So maybe you’ve heard of estate sales. Maybe your coworker got that cool lamp on her desk from one, but you aren’t quite sure what they actually are or how they work. We’ve got you.
Let’s break it down.
Historically speaking, the word “estate” refers to one’s total personal possessions, property, investments and savings, typically upon their death. These days, the meaning is a bit less heavy and alludes to a person’s possessions minus any debt, at any point in time. A person may have an estate sale due to a family member’s passing, but most decide to hold estate sales due to downsizing, moving or other big life events.
So where does the sale part come in, and what makes it different than a yard sale or a garage sale?
While a yard or garage sale features select unwanted items from a person’s home, typically scattered about a lawn or garage, an estate sale is held within the home and features most, if not all, of its contents, short of personal items such as family photos, official documents and the like. You’d be shocked at the types of things you can find at an estate sale which is what makes visiting them so fun. Here at Blue Moon, we sell everything from pots and pans to fine jewelry to automobiles and the tire shine to go with!

How do people handle selling so many things?
Because holding an estate sale is a big undertaking, many people turn to a trusted professional like Blue Moon Estate Sales! A Blue Moon team can clear a household in a very short time frame, typically over a weekend! This is far less stressful and typically nets far better results.