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Make Your House a Home for the Holidays
The temperature keeps dropping, and the days are getting shorter. If you’re like us, all you...
The Secret That Secondhand Sellers Don't Want You to Know
If you’re like us, you love wandering the aisles of antique and vintage stores just...
Shop Locally by Shopping Estate Sales
Tis the season for shopping! Your inbox is probably full of advertisements, and...
Antique vs Vintage: Shopping at Estate Sales
Estate Sale Lingo 101 Antique, vintage, retro, repro, collectible…...
The Blue Moon Experience
Let’s take a little trip back to the olden days when Blue Moon Estate Sales was...
Estate Liquidation Guide for Real Estate Agents
The real estate market is hot, and y’all are turning over homes faster than...
Try Before You Buy
The need for an estate sale typically arises during a stressful time in a person’s...
Going Ballistic for Blue Cornflower Corningware
Going Ballistic for Blue Cornflower Corningware Even if you don't know it by name,...
Blue Moon Estate Sales Locations Across America
  What’s greater than a Blue Moon sale? Blue Moon estate...
Blue Moon's New Look
We have big news here at Blue Moon Estate Sales! *Drum roll, please.* It is with...
What Is an Estate Sale?
So maybe you’ve heard of estate sales. Maybe your coworker got that cool lamp on...
The Modern Estate Sale: Not Your Grandma’s Attic
The Evolution of Estate Sales: Amazing Finds in Your Grandma’s...
We Are The Farmer's Market Of Goods
Farmer’s Markets have become a trendy activity to find great deals. Don’t stop there,...

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